Remote Monitoring After Stroke

  • Observation
  • Compensation
  • The goal of this study is to assess the feasibility of remotely monitoring function after stroke and to identify certain subgroups of stroke survivors in relation to their function and recovery

    Please Note
    This information is provided to help you make a decision about participating in research in general.
    The decision to join a study is between you and the individual study research team.
    Study research team members will provide detailed information and answer any questions you have.

Who can participate?

This study is designed for adults who...

  • have had a stroke. To be included, you must have access to Internet and wifi.
  • It may not be safe to participate if you...

    There are no specific restrictions to joining

When do I start?

Participation starts any time after your stroke

How long will I be followed?

  • Critical Care
  • Stroke Center
  • Discharge

Key activities

You will be asked to...

Wear a FitBit Device
Complete questionnaires and evaluations about your physical activity, emotions, and thinking every month for 1 year
All study activities are remote, you will not be asked to come in-person

Important information

You should know...

Participation is your choice and you can stop any time
Participation will not change your routine health care
If you experience certain changes to your health or must take other medications, you may be told you can no longer participate.

Details of the study will be provided by the study team members

Where can I learn more?

  • If you are interested in research, please tell your provider or contact us.

  • Study contacts

    Maggie French, PT, DPT, PhD.